19 February 2007

The big haul

The surprise baby shower went off without a hitch, Arb had no idea what we were planning. How we managed to keep it a secret for almost 2 months is a mystery to me, but it worked. Many thanks to Ame, LHS, Peter Arthur and SunnyD, who hosted the shindig at their place. It was a good time, though I think I got a bit overwhelmed with all the stuff we got during the gift opening, knowing we would eventually have to find a place to put it. The onesies from Uncle Jason and Auntie Nicky were facking awesome, what baby wouldn't love to wear J's scowling puss on his chest?

Having people customize onesies at the party was a great idea. My fave is the Slayer one by Robb. I think that's going to be part of the "going home" outfit.

Don't have pics collected yet, I have to get them from the attendees, as I forgot my own camera.


Blindwriting said...

get some pictures uploaded homey...i got tickets for msg!

Fred Jala said...

TicketBastards sold out in 2 minutes...not sure I wanna spend $500 on a show, even if it's the Police...still waiting for pix...