31 August 2007

Brain Dump

Water heater's in, nice clean install by Washington Energy. Works great, we don't have to wait that long for hot water, and it's not brown anymore. I can't believe we lived with that as long as we did. Will post pics.

Tonight we're going to the Stevie Wonder concert at the Chateau. Woot! Pedro got us tickets as a wedding present. Whadda guy. And we get to bring Taco, so he can say that his first concert was Stevie. Not that he'll care, really. That's probably like me saying that my first concert was the Glenn Miller Orchestra. But it'll be fun.

Speaking of the slobber monkey, he's doing great. He can turn over from back to front like it's no one's business, but not so good the other way around. He'll be scooting around before we know it. Yikes. Seems to prefer interaction with people rather than play with toys. Which makes it hard when we need to put him down for any reason. We're starting daycare on the 4th, half days until Mom goes back to work. She's dreading those first days in the orifice after taking 5 months off, as would anyone. I'd be happy with being the sole earner so that she can take care of Roc, but that's not really doable yet. So hi ho, hi ho...

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