09 October 2007

Of course!

We should have seen this coming from a mile away...

Having been part of several corporate takeovers (on both sides), it's clear to me that every decision made by Sonics owner Clay Bennett's group has been well thought out and calculated. They had a vision: End basketball in Seattle ASAP. They had a strategy: End basketball support in Seattle by alienating "casual fans," and make the team look like a balance-sheet nightmare if they continue to operate here.

Everyone around here seems to be resigned to the Supes going to OK City, including myself, I guess. I haven't been able to muster much enthusiasm for the team since the days of Payton and Kemp. Geez, wasn't that like, 12 years ago? Part of it is marketable players, guys we fans can get behind, and part of it is the basketball product, which has been terrible *cough*WallyWalker*cough* of late. Thing is, once they're gone, we're not getting it back, not for a long time, if ever. I have nothing to base that on, of course, but what does it say that the NBA deems Oklahoma fucking City as more viable than Seattle?

Downtown Freddie Brown, where have you gone?

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