21 March 2008

How about the Seattle Pilots?

This is what happens when you focus group something. Why don't you ask actual soccer fans? You mean to tell me Seattle's new MLS team will be named one of these?
  • Seattle Alliance
  • Seattle Republic
  • FC Seattle
The teams in my co-rec indoor league are sporting better names than these dogs. Alliance sounds like a taxi cab or insurance company. Republic? Come on, this is a Democratic town. FC Seattle is better, but not very creative. I guess you can call them the Sounders, but maybe it's time to move on.

Hopefully they'll keep Squatch in town when the Sonics move, and make him a soccer mascot.

UPDATE: It's Seattle Sounders FC.


Blindwriting said...

I'm amazed the MLS is kicking hard enough for an expansion team. The New York/New Jersey MetroStars are now the Red Bull Stars. As if energy drinks have anything to do with soccer.

Fred Jala said...

When I'm running hard on the pitch, Red Bull(tm) gives me the energy I need to keep up with all those damn kids!

(waits patiently for free Red Bull)