19 March 2008

Undercover Parenting

Caught this in the NYT, which asks the question "Is keylogging your kid's computer an invasion of his/her privacy?"
"Some will say that you should simply trust your child, that if he is old enough to go on the Internet he is old enough to know the dangers. Trust is one thing, but surrendering parental responsibility to a machine that allows the entire world access to your home borders on negligence."
My solution? Sure, the kids can use teh intArwebz, but we're going back to dialup. Remember how long it took for porn to load back in the day? If you wanted to see Erika Eleniak's boobs, you had to wait 5 minutes for a single pic to load. Kinda made the whole thing pointless. And forget about trying to DL a movie...

Back on topic: the thing is that I'm my kids' Dad, not their best friend. The trick is to protect them from all dangers while developing a sense of self confidence and responsibility. If I have to play the bad guy once in awhile, so be it. They have to earn their privileges before they're granted, rather than give something to them and hope/assume they can handle it. I think that applies to pretty much everything, not just the internet. Everyone talks about "kids nowadays" and their sense of entitlement, and I don't want mine to be like that.

A work in progress...


Blindwriting said...

Totally agree! Love it!

By the way, how do you get the little photo graphic to show up on your blog? I like that feature.

Fred Jala said...

To clarify, I probably would install the spyware, but like the article says, I'd be up front about it with the kids.

The photo badge thingy came from fd's flickr toys:
