11 July 2005

Dzien dobry!

I'm several days behind, so I'll try to keep this updated in small
chunks: The trip over was uneventful, save for a couple tense moments
during the layover in Copenhagen, where we first learned of the London
bombings. From where I stood, everything was business as usual, which
is much different than the reaction I expected from the US, which is
to go on high alert.

We landed in Warsaw during a thunderstorm, which makes for a
convenient yet cliched metaphor for what we were to expect for the
next few days. JM and KW, along with JM's mom LM (who had arrived a
few hours earlier) and KW's dad, KW (let's say Chris)-LM's checked
baggage had been "delayed," which was the one kink in what was
otherwise a smooth arrival.

We piled into Chris' van and headed out. Now, I've heard that driving
in some foreign countries can make the most hardcore atheist find
religion, but while I wouldn't call the drive to Kolumna relaxing, it
wasn't white-knuckle either. To us Ameriyki, the technique seems a
bit aggressive, and shoulder driving is common (2 lane roads are
effectively 3 lanes, the middle one for passing). Needless to say,
you don't see many bikes on the busier roads.

4 hours later, we're in Kolumna, which is a small district outside of
the town of Pabianice (pah-bee-a-NEE-tsay). At this point I've been
up for more than 24 hours. Here's our hotel:



Anonymous said...

"Dwhere Dya Dat?"

Nice board, bro. I might get one of these things. It come with power steering? Waitin' for an update...

Anonymous said...

Cool update man! Now for the good stuff that will make you long for TBP, on North Hill, did you reject bark dust as mulch and OK use odF GRO CO? Not a problem I think, but they are using Gro co on the site whic I was surprised by. Happy travels!