31 July 2005

One final souvenir...

originally uploaded by Fred Jala.
So I get home and there's a message on my machine about a car accident...I figure it's old or a followup to one of the ones (yes that's plural) from a few months back. I get up this morning and find this. Any post-vacation buzz is completely gone, and I haven't even been in town 24 hours.

Fuck fuck fuckety fuck-more insurance hell.

Edit/Update 8.12.05: Got a call back from Progressive; the repair estimate came in at about $4200. Whoa!


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry about the car....ouch..and not a very good "welcome home" image...looking forward to seeing more photos!!!

Fred Jala said...

I'm really starting to get fed up with the damage this car has sustained in the last 6 months and the hassles of getting them fixed. Hopefully the rule of 3 applies here and this is it. I'm uploading photos today, check the flickr page.

Anonymous said...

How many freakin' Jimbo's do you know?

Jimbo (not the first one)

Fred Jala said...

only a few, but you were my first, baby.