04 July 2005


Enough people have asked me about this European trip that I figured: why not blog it? But why go to all the effort? First, it'll be a record of my first real international experience (of my adult life anyway), equal parts travelogue and journal. I'll add entries as often as I can find internet access (which isn't that hard anymore). I'm looking forward to the experience of seeing new places and cultures, maybe live like a native for at least a short time.

Secondly, I want to go beyond the dry accounting of my day to day activities; my intent is for this to continue as a place to dump any thoughts, profound or otherwise, that run through my head before I forget them. Basically it'll be a measure of where I'm "at," literally and figuratively. It's a bit scary putting myself out there, again literally and figuratively, but I think it'll be good for me to share more of my life with friends and family (it's taken a few years of therapy to get to this point, so I have that going for me-thanks RS!). I'll apologize in advance if the content gets a little edgy, or the language coarse, but those of you who know me well (and that's most of you reading this) know I'm as likely to drop an f-bomb as I am to drop some knowledge on your ass (oh yeah, I'm also quite fond of the parenthetical aside). So, bookmark this page (extra points if you set up an RSS feed instead), check in once in awhile, and feel free to leave a comment. Stay tuned.

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